Clinical diagnosis of depression or biomarkers

Clinical diagnosis of depression or biomarkers

December 7, 2018 Source: Health News Author: Chengshou Qin Wei Yunjuan

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Professor Yao Honghong from Southeast University School of Medicine and Professor Zhang Zhixuan and Xie Chunming, a researcher in the Department of Neurology, Zhongda Hospital affiliated to Southeast University, recently published online in the top journals of Molecular Psychiatry under the Nature Publishing Group. . The study used a combination of basic and clinical forms to achieve new breakthroughs in the mechanisms of depression and clinical diagnostic biomarkers.

According to reports, depression is the most common severe mental disorder, and it is also a classic biological-social-psychological factor leading to clinically ill human diseases. But unfortunately, the cause of depression is unclear and the mechanism is unknown. The diagnosis still depends on the clinical appearance and lacks objective biological diagnostic markers. More and more evidence indicates that microglia-dominated neuroimmune inflammation in the brain is involved in depression. Syndrome; non-coding RNA is known as the "dark matter" of the 21st century with great biological information regulation function. Therefore, it is elucidated from the epigenetic level to explain the pathogenesis of disease-induced depression and determine its biological markers. The prospects are broad and significant.

The research conducted by Yao Honghong and Zhang Zhizhao systematically explored the mechanism of the circular RNA DYM (circDYM), a potential "gene regulator" and its pathway in the development of depression and the potential biomarkers. The study found that the expression level of circDYM was significantly lower in peripheral blood and hippocampus of patients with depression in peripheral blood and chronic unpredictable stress/lipopolysaccharide-induced depression-like model mice; and the lower the circDYM level in peripheral blood of patients The higher the score of early negative life events, the more severe the depressive symptoms; brain microinjection of circDYM overexpression of lentivirus can significantly improve the depression-like behavior of mice, and is related to the inhibition of microglia activation in the brain; the molecular mechanism is circDYM The sponge adsorbs endogenous small RNA-9 (miR-9) and inhibits its activity, resulting in increased expression of the ubiquitin protein ligase HECTD1 targeted downstream of miR-9, resulting in increased ubiquitination of HSP90, thereby reducing microglia activation. .

The results of the study further elucidated the epigenetic mechanism of depression, identified candidate biodiagnostic markers, and provided evidence for the selection and precise treatment of new targets for antidepressants.

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