Production practices have shown that the use of cages to raise larvae has the advantages of not damaging the carcass, keeping the water fresh, and facilitating the healthy growth of the larvae. Now we will introduce the specific methods for fostering juveniles using cages as follows:
In the water depth of more than 2 meters, there are micro-flowing water, non-polluted waters to set up cages, cages specifications for 5 meters 2 meters 15 meters, into the water to 0.5 meters above the water surface is appropriate. In addition, water hyacinths, water peanuts, and other aquatic plants need to be placed in the box to allow the juveniles to inhabit. Before disposing cages and aquatic plants in water, 1010-6 (ppm) potassium permanganate solution was used for immersion for 15 minutes to disinfect. Between 35 and 40 juvenile clams could be stocked per cubic meter of cages. After being placed in the larvae, two platters made of wood are placed in each cage so that the larvae can freely feed on the table. After being cultivated for 30-40 days, the juveniles can weigh more than 50 grams each.
In the water depth of more than 2 meters, there are micro-flowing water, non-polluted waters to set up cages, cages specifications for 5 meters 2 meters 15 meters, into the water to 0.5 meters above the water surface is appropriate. In addition, water hyacinths, water peanuts, and other aquatic plants need to be placed in the box to allow the juveniles to inhabit. Before disposing cages and aquatic plants in water, 1010-6 (ppm) potassium permanganate solution was used for immersion for 15 minutes to disinfect. Between 35 and 40 juvenile clams could be stocked per cubic meter of cages. After being placed in the larvae, two platters made of wood are placed in each cage so that the larvae can freely feed on the table. After being cultivated for 30-40 days, the juveniles can weigh more than 50 grams each.
FD Chicken Cube,Chicken Jerky,Chicken Heart,Chicken Slice, Chicken Sandwich Roll,Chicken Dumbell,Chicken Wrap CodFish
FD Chicken Cube,Chicken Jerky,Chicken Heart,Chicken Slice
Eastan Pet ,