Boron fertilizer application method

Boron has three major effects on the physiological process of crops: First, it promotes the action of boron, which promotes the operation of carbohydrates. The amount of boron contained in the plants is appropriate, which can improve the supply of organic matter in various organs of crops, normalize crop growth, and increase the seed setting rate and fruit setting rate. Boron promotes root growth. Boron promotes photosynthesis and plays an important role in the synthesis and transport of carbohydrates. The second is a special role. Boron has a special effect on the fertilization process. Boron also enhances the crop's ability to resist drought, disease, and promote early crop maturity.

A common boron fertilizer

Borax: chemical name industrial dehydrated tetraborate disodium, is the raw material for the extraction of boron and boron compounds, equivalent to boron (B) content of 11%, the appearance of white fine crystals, insoluble in cold water, is a common single boron fertilizer varieties.

Boric acid: Molecular formula H3BO3 content (GB) ≥ 99.5%, equivalent to about 17% of boron (B), from the reaction of boron magnesium ore and sulfuric acid, filtered, concentrated, crystallized, dried and made. Boric acid is a triclinic scaly crystal or white fine-grained crystal with a pearl luster and is soluble in water. It is an inorganic compound boron chemical raw material and is also one of the traditional boron fertilizers. Boron-magnesium and boron-boron are by-products of the production of industrial boric acid. Farmers often use them as boron fertilizers. Since they are alkaline fertilizers, they should be taken into account when they are used.

In recent years, a number of new-type boron fertilizers have been produced. These boron fertilizers have a nutrient content of more than 20%, a relatively high concentration, good water solubility, and have a rapid effect. The absorption rate is high, the soil residue is small, and the soil pH range is relatively wide. Features.

What is the role of boron fertilizer

Second, boron fertilizer application methods and efficacy

Boron fertilizer can be used as a base fertilizer or basal fertilizer, or it can be blended and used in fertilization. The amount of mu is 0.5-1 kg. The amount of different fertilizers is different. Refer to the instructions. Because the boron fertilizer is easily fixed in the soil, the time for supplying the fertilizer is relatively slow, thereby prolonging the time for the supply of boron to the soil and easily fixed or lost by the soil. Boron or boron and magnesium fertilizers are generally used in areas with severe boron deficiency and are cheap.

Under normal circumstances, boron fertilizers are applied in the form of foliar spraying: spraying boron on the leaves can be flexibly and timely based on the growth of crops, and the application amount is small, the effect is significant, and the fertilizer is saved, the pollution is reduced, and the plants absorb quickly. It is the most commonly used method of applying boron, and it can be sprayed on the front and back surfaces of the leaves. However, because the pores are on the opposite side of the leaves, the reverse spraying effect is better. The foliar application of boron fertilizer should be applied once according to the applied crop vegetative growth period or reproductive growth period, spraying more than twice as well. The spraying period should be sooner rather than later, the early flowering period is suitable, and the spraying effect at the late flowering stage is not significant.

Boron fertilizer application method

For example, rape can be sprayed once before winter, and boron is sprayed once again at bud stage so as to ensure adequate supply of boron during the peak period of reproductive growth. Wheat can be applied once during the re-jointing period, generally increasing production by 8%-12%. Applying boron fertilizer on soybeans can increase soybean yield by 10% to 12.8%; cotton is very obvious on boron, and boron fertilizer (Sorox boron) can increase production by 10% to 23% at the seedling and bud stage; tomato, beet and sugar cane The application of boron fertilizer to citrus, apple and apple can not only increase the production, but also increase the sugar content of the fruit.

Key Intermediates

Intermediate – Intermediate: A material produced during a drug substance processing step that must undergo further molecular modification or refinement to become a drug substance. Intermediates may or may not be isolated. Intermediates are the key products of the previous process of making APIs, which are different in structure from APIs.

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for example:

Amoxicillin capsules are called preparations, amoxicillin is called API, and 6-APA is called intermediate.

Ceftriaxone sodium powder is called preparation, sterile ceftriaxone sodium is called API, and 7-ACA is called intermediate.

Our company specializes in providing key intermediates for various APIs


Intermediate is a very important type of fine chemical products. Its essence is a type of "semi-finished product", which is an intermediate product in the production of certain products. For example, if a product is to be produced, it can be produced from intermediates, saving costs and reducing It is widely used in the synthesis of medicines, pesticides, coatings, dyes and spices. In the field of medicine, intermediates are an important link in the industrial chain of the pharmaceutical industry. They are used for some chemical raw materials or chemical products in the process of drug synthesis. In a word, they are used to produce APIs.

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