The waste after cultivation of edible fungi is also known as bacillary dysentery, which is rich in protein, polysaccharides, and minerals. After the waste of edible fungi is dried, it is crushed and can be used for feeds raised by animals, poultry, fish, and the like. Bacterial strains include cottonseed meal, sawdust, rice straw, corn cob, fermented grains, and vinegar. As the content of crude fiber in mash will limit the use of feed nutrients by pigs, the proportion of bacillary glycosides added to pig feed should not exceed 20%. The use of 25%~35% cottonseed meal in place of part of wheat bran and cornmeal for rabbit feed, rabbits performed normally in all aspects during the whole feeding process. The rabbits in the experimental group had basically the same growth rate as the control group. The daily gain and The difference in feed ratio is not significant. Adding 30% of bacillary dysentery to the tilapia diet was basically the same as the control group in terms of weight gain rate and survival rate. Adding 10% to 15% of bacillary dysentery to the Beijing duck diet, 10% to 15% of bacillary dysentery to the feed of the layer chicken, and 10% of the bacillus to the feed of the broiler are all beneficial to the growth and development of the broiler. Good feeding effect.