Autumn-prone skin diseases how to prevent skin problems

In autumn, the weather turns cold, the climate is dry, the pores are tight, and the secretion of sweat glands and sebaceous glands is reduced. This is the season of high incidence of skin diseases such as herpes, psoriasis, and pruritus. How can we prevent skin diseases in the fall?


1, eczema

The reasons for this are complex and varied. Some are related to seasonal changes. Many eczema occur in the fall, and the forms are also varied. They started as acute, with erythema, papules, and blisters. The treatment can be turned into sub-acute or chronic in time, and the skin becomes thicker and forms lichenification. Fierce and meticulous, secondary changes in many forms.

Prevention: For every eczema that occurs easily in the fall, look for the reasons, such as dry, cold, and contact with something allergic to change the environment is not conducive to the skin to remove allergens.

Treatment: The treatment of eczema is best cured in the acute phase. Based on the rash shape of the lesion, choose a reasonable drug. At this time, it is best to seek medical advice. Ask the doctor to take medication according to the skin lesions. Indiscriminate use of medication may worsen the condition.

2, urticaria

The cause of the disease is also complicated. A variety of factors can cause it. Among them, cold urticaria caused by changes in temperature is characteristic of multiple occurrences in the autumn. The skin is affected by cold wind boluses, and the wheal subsided after warming.

Prevention: People with this problem must pay attention to windproof, cold-proof, and keep warm when the season changes. You can start from summer to exercise your body to adapt to the cold, exercise cold baths, and cold water.

Treatment: Antihistamines can be taken.

3, insect bites

Although it is autumn in the south, rashes caused by insect bites such as fleas, mites, mosquitoes, cockroaches, caterpillars, tussock moths, and bees are frequently seen. The rash mostly occurs on the extremities of the extremities and the trunk, and it is mung bean-to-peanut-size red wind-like lesions. There is often a small blisters on the top, consciously itching, rash subsided 1-2 weeks, leaving a temporary pigmentation, and some can be turned into nodular prurigo.

Prevention: Pay attention to the sanitation of the living room, eliminate the environment of insects, and do personal protection.

Treatment: Avoid scratching on skin lesions. External insect bite syrup, calamine lotion, glucocorticoid ointment. Severely itching oral antihistamines such as chlorpheniramine, carbazolin, loratadine, etc.

4, pruritus

This type of pruritus often begins with the reduction of early autumn rain, occurs more often in middle-aged and older people, and produces less oil and fat from the skin. The skin is dry, cracked, and the nerve endings are stimulated to cause itching.

Prevention: After the fall, we must pay attention to skin moisturizing, reduce the number of baths and bath use, according to personal circumstances after the bath with external moisturizer. Avoid scratching when itching, topical medication to prevent itching, prevent the occurrence of secondary skin diseases.

Treatment: It is necessary to correct dry skin, topical lotions, glycerine cream, cold cream, vitamin E milk, and so on. Severe itching can be added anti-histamine drugs such as chlorpheniramine, cetirizine, Antares, etc., or sedative.

5, psoriasis

In most cases, there is obvious seasonality, and there is a marked increase in recurrence after the fall. New psoriasis is also induced by colds, tonsillitis, and the like due to changes in autumn temperatures. Statistics show that the incidence of psoriasis in cold regions is significantly higher than in warm regions.

Prevention: Patients with psoriasis pay attention to the prevention of colds and tonsillitis during the cold season. There are conditions for migrating to live in the warm and humid south.

Treatment: Avoid irritating drugs during the period of skin lesions. Recurring skin lesions, small area available packet method, topical drugs are often used tar, salicylic acid, oak, corticosteroids, calcipotriol, Victoria A acid and other agents.

6, ichthyosis

Is a hereditary skin disease with obvious seasonal changes. Due to excessive sweating in the summer, the moist skin lesions became insignificant. After the fall, it is cool, sweating less, air-drying, ichthyosis lesions become obvious, scale-like appearance, skin itching, desquamation may also occur.

Prevention: Pay attention to moisturizing the skin after the fall, reduce the number of bathing, use less or no bath. Apply lotion and cream after washing.

Treatment: 0.1% Vitamin A ointment, 10%-20% urea cream, 5%-10% salicylic acid ointment or lactic acid ointment, and 10% cod liver oil cream can be used for external use. You can often apply Vaseline moisturizer to the affected area after bathing or in winter to help the skin moisturize.

7, nodular erythema

Nodular erythema is an inflammatory skin disease that is easily recurring in the fall. The cause is complex and may be related to factors such as streptococcal infection or viral infection.

Lesions were subcutaneous nodules in groups, slightly higher than the skin, 2 to 3cm in diameter, medium depth, tenderness on touch, calf extension, calf flexion, thigh, upper limbs, and even torso. Similar to skin lesions. The nodules subsided on their own by 3 to 6 weeks, leaving pigmentation, nodules, and no scars. The disease often recurs in the spring and autumn.

Prevention: In the season change should pay attention to insulation and cold, to avoid catching a cold, causing Streptococcus and virus infection. At the same time, we must also pay attention to avoid fatigue, long standing, poor blood circulation.

Treatment: Find the cause and perform symptomatic treatment such as the application of antibiotics. Non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs such as indomethacin, aspirin, etc. can also be given as appropriate. Heavier ones can use hormone prednisone, and gradually reduce the amount of the disease after the disease is relieved. The traditional Chinese medicine compound Danshen tablets, tripterygium wilfordii and other applications.

The variability of the season also brings about common skin diseases, so here to remind everyone that in this dry season must pay attention to personal hygiene, and pay attention to keep warm, use some skin care moisturizing products.

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