Apple cancer control

Apple tumor, also known as apple leafhopper, commonly known as tired insects, oil sweat, is a Homoptera, Amaranthidae.

Distribution and damage: Distribution in most parts of China, Japan, and North Korea. The host plants mainly include apple, sand fruit, jellyfish, and mountain vine. Injury is formed, if the cluster leaves, buds suck juice, the edge of the victim leaf is rolled up into a barrel shape on the back.

Morphological characteristics: Wingless female embryo: body length 1.4-1.6 mm, nearly spindle-shaped, dark green or brown body, black head paint, dark red compound eye, with a significant frontal tumor.

Female embryos with wings: body length 1.5 mm, oval. The head and chest are dark brown with obvious frontal tumors and 2-3 black hairs.

Nymphs: small body like wings, body pale green. Some of these individuals have a pair of dark wing buds on the thoracodorsal back. This type is called a fin base and later develops into a winged pupa.

Eggs: long oval, dark green and shiny, long diameter of about 0.5 mm.

Life and habits: Occurs more than 10 generations in a year, and it is wintering with eggs at buds of annual branches, saw cuts, etc. In early April of the following year, overwintering eggs hatch, parthenogenetic reproduction occurs from spring to autumn, and the occurrence of the damage period is in mid- and late June. From October to November, there was sexual embarrassment, spawning after mating, and wintering in the ovary.

Prevention and control methods: The key to preventing and treating apple tumor nevus is the careful spraying of overwintering eggs during the incubation period.

1. The hatching period of the eggs of the apple gall bladder in the western part of Henan Province starts at the beginning of April and is the hatching period in mid-April, and the hatching ends at the end of April.

2. Kinds and Methods of Application: Reference Embroidered Jerusalem artichoke. Request spray-type spray cloth, so that branches, leaves and buds full of medicine, and strive to be fully embarrassed, leaving no trouble.

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