Anti-seed rape

Rapeseed zombies are more common and are mainly characterized by yellowish red leaves, curly leaves, and basically no growth. Even dry stem rots, resulting in insufficient winter growth, weak thin seedlings, and reduced yield of rapeseed. In the production, we must take corresponding prevention and control measures against the different conditions of the stiff seedlings. 1. Aging prevention of seedlings caused by seedlings overage seedlings, prone to high seedlings, poor root activity, planted into the field has not made new roots, not long new leaves. Because the root system can not absorb or absorb nitrogen and phosphorus, the red leaves are caused. Therefore, the rapeseed should be transplanted at the appropriate age, and the general seedling age should be transplanted in a timely manner for 30 to 35 days. Even higher density needs to be properly advanced and the nutrient conditions of the seedbed are deteriorating to form "old seedlings." For the timely transplanting of rapeseed, late rice should be harvested in due course. If transplanting with no-tillage in paddy field, rapeseed can be transplanted 3 to 5 days earlier. 2. Preventing waterlogging or drought and seedlings. Some low-lying paddy fields under the paddy fields and ponds under the reservoir had no trenches in advance. High groundwater levels and lack of oxygen in the soil; or continuous autumn rain, no ditching, and serious accumulation of water. Rice fields, easy to lack of oxygen. Hypoxia caused by waterlogging rotten rape roots, leading to dead seedlings dead. If rape continues to dry after transplanting, the surface of the soil will be hardened and the roots will not grow. The water and nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients needed by the plant will not be met, and the leaves will turn red and the seedlings will be stiff. Therefore, the rape fields should be well-opened with three ditch, and the narrow box deep ditch should be implemented. At the same time, attention should be paid to the drainage of the ditch. In case of drought, furrow irrigation, but avoid flooding, so as to avoid soil water and oxygen deficiency. 3. The prevention of boron deficiency caused the rape seedlings to be sensitive to boron. For rapeseed, most of the soil is deficient in boron. In the absence of soil boron, rape showed growth stagnation, dead roots, and root swelling. Therefore, the application of boron fertilizer in rapeseed can prevent freezing seedlings caused by lack of boron. According to the test, 0.1% to 0.2% borax was used as the rooting water to dip into the ankle. After 7 days of investigation, the survival rate of rapeseed plants in the boron application area was 96.7%, and the growth potential was good. The survival rate of plants without boron application was only 79.1. %. If there is more rainwater during transplanting, it is not necessary to apply root water, and borax and organic fertilizer can be used to mix evenly as the base fertilizer, and the seedling root of the rape sticks 0.1% to 0.2% of borax. 4. Prevention of insect pests and diseases caused by early-stage disease and insect pests in the rape seedlings are mainly aphids, virus diseases and cabbage caterpillars. Locust damage, leaf curling, growth point is not long. Virus disease damage causes leaf shrinkage, hard brittleness, and growth arrest. The damage caused by cabbage caterpillars caused nicks. Their serious harm can cause stiff seedlings. Viral disease is transmitted by the locusts and it can prevent disease by curing maggots. When it is found that individual plants are aphid-destroying, it is necessary to prevent and control whole plant rapeseed. The average mu is controlled with 10% eucalyptus (one-time net, big heroin, imidacloprid) or 2.5% enemy kill. 5. Anti-seedling causes rapeseed field with thick sticky soil, soil compaction, poor permeability, delay in rape after planting. Therefore, rapeseed should be combined with top-dressing, cultivating loose soil before winter to facilitate ventilation.

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