The green onions are not afraid of freezing. The cold hardiness of welsh onions is very strong. They do not suffer freezing injury at a low temperature of -10°C, and they can withstand low temperatures of -30°C in open areas protected by snow. Welsh onion is resistant to low temperatures, but it should not be moved at will. Observe the freezing process of green onions, can be seen under the microscope: When the temperature drops below 0 °C, the moisture in the gap between the cells of the onion cells freezes, and the cell wall is not damaged. At this time, as long as it does not touch it, until the temperature rises to 0 Above °C, the ice crystals in the gap between the green onions can slowly melt, so that the green onions return to life. Conversely, if the scallion is moved freely after being frozen, due to artificial mechanical extrusion, ice crystals in the interstitial space will cause the cell wall to crush. When the temperature rises, the cell fluid will seep out and make the onion rot.
Onion winter storage methods: First, in the garden in the local winter, the green onions buried well, soil by hand into a group, touch that is scattered as well, at this time the field water capacity of 50% -60%. Cover the soil to reveal the tip of the old leaf, and follow it with the planer. Second, when the weather is harvested, choose sunny and windy weather, open air drying for 1-2 days, and then bundling every 1-1.5 kg into piles, piled up in a corner of the garden that can shelter from the wind and rain and snow, 7-10 days Take it out and dry it once and cover it with loose soil, sand or grass.
Ganoderma Extract (Ganoderma Lucidum extract/Reishi mushroom extract) is extracted from top-graded organic shell-broken Ganoderma Lucidum spore powder using advanced modern technology. Spores are the seeds of Ganoderma Lucidum. When it matures, the spores are released from the mushroom cap. They are also where most of the nutrients of Ganoderma Lucidum are contained. In order to allow the nutrients inside the spore powder to be fully absorbed by human body, we used a patented technology called low temperature physical shell-breaking technology to crack the cell wall of Ganoderma Lucidum spore powder.
The Ganoderma we used for this product comes from our self-built organic Ganoderma farm at Mt. Wuyi. Both the farm and the GMP workshop have acquired organic certifications from 4 countries and regions including Chinese, Japan, the US, and the EU. We do not use any type of herbicide, pesticide, or chemical fertilizer during the whole cultivation process, delivering the best and safest product to our customers.
By using extraction technology, we can increase the concentration of Ganoderma polysaccharides and triterpenes in the product. Reishi Mushroom Powder polysaccharides and triterpenes both work together to enhance human’s immune system, fighting against diseases and infections. Also, Ganoderma can help protect the liver, increase sleep quality as well as relive stress.
Ganoderma Extract
Ganoderma Extract,Reishi Spore Powder,Ganoderma Lucidum Powder,Ganoderma Lucidum
Ganoherb International Inc. ,