Winter and Spring Piglets Need Vitamin A Supplementation

Vitamin A deficiency in piglets mainly manifests as dyspepsia, diarrhea, and diarrhea in affected piglets, dry skin surface, decreased vision, neurological disorders, difficulties in walking on limbs, and even secondary hepatitis, which may cause severe piglet death.

Piglet vitamin A can be obtained from sow milk, and the latter's vitamin A level is closely related to the dietary carotene content. The balance of carotene supply in the sow diet and the vitamin A content in the sow's milk are moderate. In winter and spring, due to the weather, coupled with lack of green feed and inadequate feeding, the carotene contained in sow diets is also easily lost. Therefore, vitamin A content in sow milk may be insufficient. At this time, if the supply level of carotene in the diet of sows can be increased, it will not only effectively prevent the occurrence of vitamin A deficiency in piglets, but also be very beneficial to the growth and development of piglets.

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