There are ways to prevent cauliflower flower balls

Causes of no flowering balls: The autumn sowing varieties are planted too early, the temperature is high, and the cauliflower seedlings have not passed the vernalization stage because they have not been subjected to the low temperature environment, so the stems and leaves are grown for a long time without balling. The spring sowing varieties are more cold-tolerant and strong in winter. The temperature conditions required by the vernalization stage are low. For autumn sowing, it is difficult to pass the vernalization stage, which leads to no flowering. In addition, the vegetative growth period supplies too much nitrogen fertilizer, no seedlings, resulting in stems and leaves, a large amount of nutrients for stem and leaf growth, can also lead to the formation of flower balls or premature disintegration.

Control methods: correct selection of varieties, timely sowing, create conditions through the vernalization stage, appropriate topdressing, seedlings and so on.

The reason for the small flower ball: a small amount of autumn seed varieties are mixed in the spring sowing field, and a small amount of small flower balls will appear in the ground. If the autumn sowing variety is fully utilized in the spring sowing area, a large number of small flower balls will appear. This is because the autumn sowing varieties are mostly early-maturing varieties, and their winters are weak, and the flowering ball is started through the vernalization stage. At this time, the leaves and the plant body have not grown up, and the nutrition is insufficient, so the flower ball formed is small.

Among the mid-late maturity varieties used in autumn sowing, if a small number of early-maturing varieties are mixed, these early-maturing varieties begin to form balls through the vernalization stage earlier, and the plants are also smaller. The late-maturing plants are larger and the stems and leaves are flourishing. As a result, early maturing plants are suppressed and shaded, often forming small flower balls. Early-season seeding in autumn, such as planting too late, the leaves are not fully grown, that is, encountering the temperature conditions suitable for the formation of the flower ball, so the flower ball is formed soon. Due to the small vegetative body, the flower ball is also small.

Control methods: use pure and suitable seeds, master the appropriate sowing date, and strengthen field management.

Pre-existing ball symptoms and causes: Cauliflower is in the seedling stage, and the flower ball is not found in the stems and leaves. This flower ball is stiff.

The reason for the occurrence: the autumn sowing variety is weak in winter, and it is easy to pass the vernalization stage. If it is used for spring sowing, the flower ball will appear prematurely. In the spring, the cultivation is too early, the seedling period is low temperature, or the water and fertilizer are lacking, the plant body is injured, etc., which affects the normal development of vegetative growth, induces the formation of flower buds in advance, and the early ball. The autumn is too late, the temperature is getting lower, and the ball is too fast through the vernalization stage.

Control methods: select suitable seeds, master the appropriate sowing date, and strengthen water and fertilizer management.

Hairy symptoms and causes: The style or filament of the flower is not sequentially extended, making the surface of the flower ball wooly, not smooth, reducing the value of the commodity. The hairs are mostly caused by sudden cooling, warming or heavy fogging when the flower ball is nearing maturity. This is due to the temperature change, and the development of the filament exceeds the flower ball under the unfavorable temperature conditions. Generally, when planting in autumn, the planting is too early. If the harvest is not timely, the temperature will drop and the hair will be easily generated. Early-maturing varieties are more prone to hairiness.

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