Rapeseed nutritional value
Per 100 grams of edible portion of 93 grams of water, protein 2,6 grams, fat 0,4 grams, carbohydrate 2,0 grams, vitamin 0,5 grams, calcium 140 milligrams, phosphorus 30 milligrams, iron l, 4 milligrams, Vitamin A3, 15 mg, B10, 08 mg, B20, 11 mg, vitamin C51 mg, niacin 0, 9 mg, carotene 3, 15 mg.
1, reduce blood lipids:
Rape is a low-fat vegetable, and contains dietary fiber that binds to cholesterol and triglycerides in the cholate and food, and excretes from the feces, thereby reducing the absorption of lipids, so it can be used to lower blood fat. Chinese medicine believes that rapeseed can stimulate blood circulation and cure phlegm and erysipelas.
2, detoxification swelling:
The phytohormones contained in rape can increase the formation of enzymes, and have an adsorption and repulsion effect on carcinogens that enter the body. Therefore, they have anti-cancer function. In addition, rape can also enhance the detoxification mechanism of the liver, and it has a therapeutic effect on skin blemishes and chyle.
3, wide bowel purge:
Rape contains a large amount of plant cellulose, can promote intestinal peristalsis, increase the volume of feces, dwelling time in the intestine to reduce the time to treat multiple constipation and prevent intestinal cancer.
4, physical fitness:
Rape contains a lot of carotene and vitamin C, which helps to enhance the body's immunity. Rapeseed contains the highest amount of calcium in green leafy vegetables.
For people
Most people can eat.
1, especially suitable for suffering from oral ulcers, wet white mouth, bleeding gums, loose teeth, congestion and abdominal pain, cancer patients;
2, acne, early pregnancy women, patients with vision disorders, late measles, acne, body odor and other chronic diseases to eat less.