The effect and function of Xinyang Maojian
First, Xinyang Maojian has a physical fitness effect.
Xinyang Maojian is rich in catechol, phosphorus catechins, vitamin E, flavonoids and other substances, it is very helpful to health; Xinyang Maojian is rich in protein, amino acids, alkaloids, tea polyphenols, sugar tips, organic acids, aromatic Substances and vitamins A, B1, B2, C, K, P, PP, etc., as well as water-soluble minerals, have a thirst to quench their thirst, clear their hearts and eyesight, refresh themselves, eliminate tiredness, eliminate food, inhibit atherosclerosis, prevent cancer, and prevent and cure Scurvy and protection of radioactive elements and other effects.
Second, Xinyang Maojian has medical efficacy.
Often drink Maojian tea, can lower blood pressure. The caffeine and catechin contained in the tea can promote the relaxation of the blood vessel wall of the human body and increase the effective diameter of the blood vessel, so that the blood vessel wall maintains certain elasticity and eliminates the vasculitis. The effect of aminobutyric acid in Maojian tea on the relaxation of the vascular wall is even more pronounced. It has been clinically confirmed that the increase in blood pressure in most hypertensive patients is controlled by angiotensin. Once the angiotensin activity is inhibited, the antihypertensive effect can be achieved. Tea can lower blood cholesterol levels. The catechins in tea have significant effects on the reduction of total cholesterol, free cholesterol, and triglycerides. People who drink tea often have about one-third less cholesterol in their blood than those who do not drink tea.
Third, Xinyang Maojian other effects:
1. Xinyang Maojian anti-inflammatory anti-inflammatory effect: Xinyang Maojian has convergence, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and other effects, can prevent intestinal infectious diseases. For example, local farmers in Xinyang have used this effect to treat patients with intestinal diseases in the clinic and they have achieved immediate results.
2. The role of Xinyang Maojian mouth lice prevention: Xinyang Maojian anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory effect, can prevent the formation of dental caries, so after a meal every day to develop a good habit of rinsing with Xinyang Maojian green tea water, is conducive to oral hygiene.
3. Xinyang Maojian mouth wards anti-cold effect: Xinyang Maojian anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory effect, can also improve people's immunity, play a role in the prevention of colds.
4. Xinyang Maojian break down the role of tobacco toxins: Xinyang Maojian can break down some of the toxins in tobacco, in particular, can inhibit the harm of nicotine on human health.
5. Xinyang Maojian inhibits the role of cell mutation and carcinogenesis: Xinyang Maojian can effectively inhibit the role of cell mutation and carcinogenesis, but also inhibit the growth and proliferation of cancer cells, long-term tea can reduce esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, colorectal cancer and other digestive tract The incidence of cancer.
6. Xinyang Maojian hemostasis, pain: Xinyang Maojian Shui has antibacterial, anti-virus, disinfection and other effects. Therefore, it has obvious effects on cleaning small wounds, stopping bleeding, and relieving pain.
7. Xinyang Maojian Xiaozhi, fat loss: refreshing Xingnao, heat and detoxification, with eyesight, Xiaozhi, reduce fat effect.
8. Xinyang maojian tea treatment of the lips: After cooling with boiling water in Xinyang Maojian, directly applied to the lip herpes, painted repeatedly several times a day, lip herpes can disappear gradually after 3 days.
9. Xinyang Maojian softens the blood vessels: drinking Xinyang Maojian every day can reduce blood serum cholesterol and fibrin, thereby lowering blood lipids and softening blood vessels.