Carp is distributed throughout the country and is an important breeding economic fish in China. The meat is delicate and delicious, has a high protein content, and contains essential amino acids and minerals that are needed by the human body. It is an aquatic product that people love to eat daily, and has good artificial breeding efficiency. This issue introduces a group of artificially farmed squid technology in the summer and autumn alternate seasons for farmers' reference.
Breeding management skills
The broodstock breeds 1~2 mu of ponds, water depth of 1.2 meters, sheltered from the sun, convenient for injection and drainage, and uses quicklime or bleaching powder to disinfect before stocking, and put 150~200 kg per mu. When breeding artificially, male and female should be separated to prevent their own mating.
Carp are generally mature at the age of two and mature at some ages. The broodstock can choose a good body type, strong activity and no injury, the ratio of body length to body height is 3:1, the initial sexual maturity and senescence period carp, the eggs and egg quality is poor, not suitable for broodstock. Females are at least 2 years of age, weighing 1.5 kg, and males with 2 kg of winter age should be better than 1 kg. The spawning season varies from region to region. Eggs can be spawned from March to August, and from April to June are rich. The spawning grounds are mostly in shallow lake bays or river bays. The eggs are very viscous and firmly adhere to the plants after they have been produced. The amount of egg-laying depends on the age and individual size, ranging from 15 to 800,000 grains. After the egg is produced, the seedlings can be hatched at a water temperature of 15°C to 20°C for 4 to 6 days.
Artificial spawning is more common in fish farms. For each kilogram of female fish, artificial chorionic membranes promote 600-1000 IU of gonadotropins or 30-50 micrograms of yellow-releasing hormone analogues, or they can be mixed and reduced in dosage. The male fish dose is halved. Usually at 18:00 pm on a sunny day, a predetermined dose is injected into the chest cavity at the base of the pectoral fin, and then it is moved into the spawning pool and filled with fresh water for half an hour. After the water temperature is 18°C, the oestrus can be laid for 6 to 15 hours. The higher the water temperature, the shorter the effect time, and vice versa.
After spawning, broodstock can spawn in the pool itself, in the same manner as natural spawning. If the egg is collected manually, it can be picked up before the climax of the fish, wipe the water off the fish with a towel, squeeze the egg into the dry porcelain basin, and quickly squeeze the semen, stir it with feathers, let it fully fertilize, and then fertilize the eggs. Spread evenly on the fish nest and hatch it in the hatchery. Or talcum powder solution detacked after the flow of water incubation, water temperature 16 °C ~ 22 °C when 3 to 5 days to emerge.
30-50 million fertilized eggs per acre pond should be placed on the same day to ensure that the fish fry specifications. Special attention should be paid to the prevention of hydromycosis, which can be preceded by a 0.3% formaldehyde or malachite green dip to the nest of eggs.
Fry cultivation methods
The water depth can be chosen from 0.8 to 1.2 meters, with less silt to 1 to 2 acres of fish ponds, cleaned and disinfected according to conventional methods. Before putting the fry, use a dense mesh to remove the miscellaneous nets from the net, and put the 50 to 80 tails of the cheap white larvae to test the water. This proves that all the fish can be put into a safe place, releasing 100,000 to 250 thousand tails per acre. If the basal fertilizer is not applied, the fry can be directly put into the water, so that the water is not suitable for feeding rotifers and the brood is not enough to eat. The fry is weak and the survival rate is low. The fermented manure can be applied 7 to 10 days before the seedlings in the pond. For example, pigs and cows are weighed at 150-300 kg per mu (about 5 picks), or 5 to 10 kg of inorganic fertilizer (fertilizer, phosphate, etc.). At the same time with 150 kg of lime per acre to disinfect, a week after the fry of the fish just happens to be the peak period of rotifers, fry puff adequate feed, grow robust.
After the fish enters the pond, it grows very fast in the first few days, and there is often a shortage of natural food. Therefore, pay attention to feeding. Commonly used soybeans and cooked egg yolks are poured and sprinkled. Daily use of 2 to 4 kilograms of soybeans per acre plus 3 to 5 cooked egg yolks, grind the pulp and immediately sprinkling and feeding, focusing on feeding a few meters of water near the edge of the pool. Soybean milk can be eaten directly by the seedlings, but also fertilize water quality and enrich natural foods. The filtered fresh pig blood every three days can also be fed from 6 to 8 minutes to feed the fish. It can also feed the fish and induce the fish to catch food, thus promoting the development of the digestive tract and helping to improve the seed survival. Rate and strong seedlings.
The fertilizer is applied once every three days to keep the rotifers in the water at a relatively high level. It is also possible to add part of the water from the fattened fish ponds to the fry pool every day, which can not only increase the natural food for the fry, but also prevent the machine from being added. Excessive water causes bubble disease, changing water by 1/3 to 1/2 per week.
Daily management must be fine
Carp is widely distributed and has more farming methods. It is suitable for ponds, cages, running water, fences, paddy fields, and shanping ponds. It is most suitable for growing water temperatures of 25°C~32°C. The squid is an omnivorous demersal fish and can be fed with high protein feeds such as bean cakes, cocoons and fish meal. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to regulating the water quality in the feeding process, often adding fresh water and keeping micro-flowing water to stimulate gonad development. Fishes less than 3 cm in length are mainly eaten with rotifers and small horny horns; larvae with staple horns, horns, larvae and other insects with a length of more than 3 cm; twigs and cilia are more than 20 cm in length. The main food; more than one year of age it feeds on benthic species such as insect snails and aquatic plant maintenance debris. Because of its complex food, wide food, living conditions are not high, fast growth, generally up to the second-year product specifications, if fed with compound feed, an age up to the product specifications.
The earlier the fish fry open, the earlier the growing point starts and the better it grows. Feeding materials adhere to the four principles of “quality, timing, positioning, and quantification†and feed them according to the feeding rhythm of the species. In the early stage of the Wang Shi fish species, especially when it grows within 25-30 cm, it grows particularly fast, body weight grows faster, and more feed is needed. At this time, feeding should be strengthened. The feeding rate during this period exceeds 10%. After the summer flower cultivation, the body length and weight of the fry have both increased many times, and the adaptability has also been enhanced. The change of the food habit has already had the characteristics of the variety and began to like the fine material, and the stable transition should be eaten as soon as possible.
For single-cultivation, water depth can be selected from 1 to 1.5 meters, 2 to 4 acres of disinfected ponds, 3000 to 6000 tails of summer fish per mu, and fed with compound feed or bean cake, cocoon, and fish meal mixture, requiring more than 35% of feed protein per day. 8 to 12 times, the bait rate is 5~8%.
Mixed fish rearing can be mixed with other fish species, which can be mainly or supplemented with carp. If the carp is the main species, feeding should be strengthened; if it is the dominant species, the water quality can be properly cultivated; if the grass carp is the main species, the carp should be placed less.
Disease prevention should be scientific
Gill disease, commonly known as Aconitum carp, is a disease-stricken fish that travels alone and eats sparingly. It has a dark complexion, especially with dark heads. Caused by fish poisoning Myxococcus infection, endanger a variety of fish, water temperature 20 °C ~ 32 °C most prone to outbreaks, often associated with red skin, intestinal diseases. During the high temperature season, the water body is disinfected with bleaching powder, or the water is disinfected and treated with terramycin 0.1 international unit. Oral feed is taken with erythromycin 100 mg or enrofloxacin 80 mg per kilogram of feed.
The enteritis disease is commonly referred to as rotten bowel disease. The diseased fish's abdomen enlarges and shows erythema, and the anus is swollen and protrudes like a volcano. In severe cases, the fins are also eroded. Cut open the fish's abdomen, see the abdominal cavity water, generally no food in the intestines, containing many yellowish mucus or blood pus. Due to the infection of intestinal genus Aeromonas sphaeroides, the general mortality rate is about 50%. This disease occurs frequently from August to September and is often complicated with bacterial gill disease. For every 10 kilograms of fish, 1 g of sulfamethoxazole was used on the first day, and the dosage was halved on the 2nd to 6th days. When enteritis and gill disease occur concurrently, the entire pool is sprinkled with gallons 2 to 3 international units, and furazolidone baits are fed for 6 consecutive days. Each 10 kilograms of fish is administered 100 mg per day. In severe cases, the first dose of furazolidone doubled; every 10 kilograms of fish were fed with 50 grams of garlic and fed once a day for 3 days.
There was no significant change in the mild infections of the stupid fools. In severe cases, intestinal obstruction was observed, and the gut mucosa was irritated and anemic. Occasionally, death was seen. Caused by sting mite infection, the main damage to eel, cod adult, with 6 to 8 months more common, with trichlorfon spices internal use.
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