1. Goldfish: commonly known as snapdragon, a perennial aquatic herb that sinks in water, and its top is sometimes slightly exposed. Stems are smooth and slender, up to 60cm long, sparsely short-branched; impellers raw, with scattered spines like fine teeth on the edge, more biased to one side of the teeth. Growing in the quiet waters of small lakes, ponds and gutters are also more common. 2. Grass: also known as å°§ flat grass, Vallisneria, flat grass. Slender lychee, leaf basal, thinly banded, leaf thin, up to 2m long, 8-14mm wide, green and translucent, generally grows on both sides of the channel of the river and quieter water around the lake. 3. Black algae: also known as water kingfisher, water lantern grass. Stem length 0.5--1.5m, less branches, leaves 4--8, whorled, strip-shaped lanceolate, long 1--2cm, width of about 1.5--2mm, small teeth on the edge. Born in ponds, lakes, ditch. 4. Leeks: The stems are slender, and the stem length is determined by the depth of the water. Leaves alternate, the leaves are heart-shaped oval, nearly leathery, slightly thick, up to 15cm in length, up to 12cm in width, rounded at the top. There are growths in ponds, lakes, and rivers. 5. Xie Yeping: The stem is lying in water without roots; the leaves are born in a section, and the three are one round, of which two are floating leaves, long oval, rounded top, shallow water base, bristles on the veins, There are brown velvet under the leaves. Growing in ponds, rice fields, gutters, and still waters are the favorite ducklings for ducklings. In addition, there are wild duckweed (horseshoe grass), water screen, willow algae, shrimp algae, algae, algae and other wild plants are feed for ducks. China Agricultural Network Editor
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