Scientists find new ways to alleviate Alzheimer's disease

Release date: 2018-02-02

While most methods of treating Alzheimer's disease focus on improving memory, researchers from Ohio State University have tried to alleviate the downward trend in the ability of Alzheimer's patients to solve problems and make decisions.

In this study, patients with Alzheimer's disease were treated with electrode insertion for the first time in the prefrontal cortex. Researchers want to figure out whether this approach can improve a patient's cognitive, behavioral, and other functions. This brain deep stimulation device is equivalent to a cardiac pacemaker, except that the device is inserted into the brain rather than the heart.

The results were published in the most recent issue of the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease.

"For the treatment of patients with Alzheimer's disease, we have a lot of tools, drugs and other means to improve the memory of patients, but we have not improved their judgment, make decisions and ways to improve concentration." The author, Dr. Douglas Scharre from Ohio State University, said.

“The prefrontal area plays an important role in solving problems, organizing and making plans, making judgments, etc. By stimulating this area, the cognitive and other activities of Alzheimer's patients will decline. Degree of relief."

The study found that targeting the prefrontal cortex of the brain through electrical stimulation devices can reduce the decline in behavioral capacity of patients with early or chronic Alzheimer's disease.

“In fact, electrical stimulation therapy has been successfully validated in 135,000 Parkinson's patients worldwide. This finding suggests that prefrontal neural network stimulation can improve behavioral deficits in Alzheimer's patients,” the authors say.

Source: Bio Valley

Face Identification

We may hear of the Face Recognition, so what does this Face Recognition mean?

The Face Recognition(or the Facial Recognition) is a kind of biometric recognition technology based on the human facial feature information. The Face Recognition(AI Face Recognition) also refers to a series of related technologies that use a camera to collect images or video streams containing human faces, and automatically detect and track human faces in the images, and then recognize the detected faces.

The Face Recognition System(Face Recognition Identification) integrates various professional technologies such as the artificial intelligence, machine recognition, machine learning, model theory, expert system, video image processing, etc. It also needs to combine the theory and implementation of the intermediate value processing, and is the latest application of the biometric recognition. The realization of the core technology shows the transformation from the weak artificial intelligence to the strong artificial intelligence.

As time goes by, the Face Recogniton Technology(Face Recognition Thermometer) is becoming mature and mature and some mutifunctional Face Recognition Devices have been "born", and one of the most popular mutifunctional Face Recognition Devices is the Face Recognition with the Body Temperature Detection function(AI Face Recognition Camera). This kind of Face Recognition Devices perfectly solved many problems. For example, the touching with people who need to be detected the body temperature can be avoided; a lot of detection time, energy, procedures, and labor can be saved; the detection difficulty can be decreased. So convenient! And this kind of Face Recogniton has helped a lot since the COVID-19 occurred, and it may help more in the future.

Face Recognition Thermometer
Shenzhen Sanan Techonology Co.,Ltd also runs this kind of Face Recogniton(Face Recognition Infrared Thermometer) and it also has the color Bi-spectrum screen display except the body temperature detection function. Besides, we support the Local Language Customizing Service which means we can customize different languages according to the local accent of our clients. Really hope our Face Recognition can help more and more people.

Face Identification, AI Face Recognition, Face Recognition Identification, Face Recognition Thermometer, AI Face Recognition Camera, Face Recognition Infrared Thermometer


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