1. Sheep breed Nanjiang Huangyang is a state-level fine breed of meat goat, which has the advantages of rapid growth, high body size, good meat production performance, high plate value, good reproductive performance, and adaptability and disease resistance. A large number of breedings have been introduced and used to improve local goats. Farmers should keep sheep as the breeding goats (crossbreeds of elite rams and local mutton sheep), which can increase the economic benefits of raising sheep. Second, the sheep building construction sheep house construction should be sturdy and durable, to be selected in a high dry place, high home is not less than 2 meters, set the front and rear windows, rear window can be closed, in order to facilitate the summer ventilation and winter wind insulation, sheep table The length X width is 3m X 3m or 2m X 4m. There are 4-6 adult sheep and 6-8 lambs. Third, grasp the lamb cultivation, improve the survival rate of the lamb 1. To ensure that the newborn lamb and ground eat colostrum, pay attention to prevent hunger and cold, the temperature of the house is not lower than 5 °C; prevent the lambs from eating too much, the amount of breast-feeding should be moderate, too much or too little is not conducive to the gastrointestinal motility of the lamb, easy Indigestion. For young lambs who are short of milk, they are fed milk replacer and lambs that are breast-fed and vaccinated with other ewes. The lanky lambs are to be breast-fed. Because colostrum contains more antibodies, it can make the lamb body produce immunity and reduce the occurrence of disease. 2. In winter and spring, lambs should be kept cold and warm. Ewes and lambs are kept in groups with other sheep. The sheep will have good insulation properties, be dry, clean and comfortable. Do not heat the fire in the house to prevent the lamb from getting pneumonia and other diseases due to smoke. When the wind and the sun are warm, let the ewes and lambs go outside and enjoy the sun. IV. Early weaning, early feeding and feeding The lambs are herbivorous at the age of 2 to 3 days. Early feeding should be started 10-12 days after the lambs are born. Initially, some cooked carrots and vegetables can be fed. Ye et al., after supplementing concentrates, mainly cooked beans and corn, supplemented with only 100 g of supplements, supplemented with high-quality hay, mixed with chopped carrots, etc., to induce lambs to come early. Eating roughage promotes rumen development and enhances palatability. Add 0.5% salt and early drinking water to the feed. In this way, early weaning of lambs can generally be carried out at 5-8 weeks of age. After weaning, the lamb should be separated from the ewes, and keep the lambs in the original circle to prevent the temporary growth stop due to stress. V. Feeding by means of feeding The fast-fattening sheep is suitable for the current situation of the domestic farmers' self-cultivation and raising sheep. Under the conditions of housing and feeding, the lambs can fully utilize the advantages of high lambs' weight gain, high feed conversion rate and high economic efficiency. During the fattening period (60-70), the average daily weight gain is generally more than 235 grams, and the highest is more than 300 grams. Sixth, the use of straw micro-raising materials to save sheep, save food, reduce feed costs. Lambs began to feed straw micro-feeds at the age of 10 weeks. After two weeks, the micro-feeds were increased from small to full feeding until slaughtered. The average daily feed of micro-feeds was 100 g per sheep, and 50 g of micro-feeds daily supplements were used. One sheep per fattener was used to save at least 30 dry grams of concentrate. Seven, do a good job in the use of feed additives and insect repellent epidemic prevention. The use of feed additives for goats has become more common. Its role is to promote the sheep's stomach microbial activity, increase the sheep's digestion and absorption capacity, accelerate the sheep's muscle growth, improve the quality of the same carcass. At the same time, we must do a good job in the prevention and control of sheep's parasitic diseases to ensure the healthy growth of sheep. Eighth, scientific management sheep like to dry and tired, we must always keep the sheep house dry, pay attention to ventilation, daily cleaning the sheds with dry gaskets, keep the circle will be clean. Add fodder to remove debris and less to add. Crude material, fine material, and juicy material should be fed alternately. To be shaded on the sports field in the summer, the sheep only cut the wool, diligently wash it to prevent it from cooling, promote growth, drink clean water twice a day in summer, drink once a day in winter, and avoid drinking ice water. If the sheep are fattened according to the above method, they can be slaughtered in about 8 months. The lamb live weight can reach 40 kg or more. China Agricultural Network Editor
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