I. Performance and Causes of Soil Deterioration 1. As the soil becomes distorted due to the large amount of chemical fertilizers used, the use of organic fertilizers is neglected, soil fertility appears some decline, and organic matter is scarce. Permeability decreases, aerobic microbial activity declines, soil ripening slows, resulting in soil compaction, vegetable root development, and affecting vegetable growth. 2. After salinization aggravates the excessive application of chemical fertilizers, the salt ions in the soil increase and the pH value increases. Increase soil salinization, hinder normal root water absorption and affect plant growth. 3, trace elements lack continuous crop of vegetables for many years, absorb the soil of zinc, boron, molybdenum, copper, manganese and other trace elements, and no additional application of trace fertilizer, resulting in the gradual reduction of trace elements in the soil, so a serious lack of trace elements, affecting vegetables The growth and development. 4, live soil shallow vegetables more than the implementation of interlocking intercropping, multi-purpose manual planting, without plowing cattle plow, live soil lighter. 5. The continuous accumulation of pests and diseases will increase the accumulation of pathogens and pests in the soil. The damage will be aggravated and the roots will be damaged and rot, and even the whole plant will die. Due to serious diseases and insect pests and increased use of pesticides, vegetables are contaminated. Second, the treatment of soil deterioration methods 1. Rotation of a piece of land not to plant a variety of vegetables every year in the season season, can rotate for another species of vegetable varieties, such as melons and onions rotation, can reduce the occurrence of pests and diseases, Reduce the toxic effects of toxins. 2. Apply organic manure with organic manure to improve the structure of soil pellets, enhance soil permeability and water retention and fertilizer retention, make soil loose and fertile, alleviate soil salinization, promote the development of vegetable roots, and increase their ability to resist disease and resilience. 3, after appropriate leisure and planting for many years, you can grasp the season, appropriate leisure, such as open-air vegetable gardens can be used during winter leisure deep-lying sun soil, eliminate pests and diseases, restore the soil. 4, the application of micro-fertilizer can be used as base fertilizer or top-dressing, to supplement the content of soil, zinc fertilizer for base fertilizer (zinc sulfate) Mushi 1 ~ 1.50 kg, boron (borax) 0.3 ~ 00.50 kg, molybdenum ( Ammonium molybdate) 0.10 to 0.20 kg, copper fertilizer (copper sulfate) 1 to 2 kg, manganese fertilizer (manganese sulfate) 2 to 3 kg. Zinc sulfate can be applied outside the root 0.05% ~ 0.20% concentration, borax available 0.10% ~ 0.25% concentration, ammonium molybdate available 0.02% ~ 0.05% concentration, copper sulfate available 0.02% ~ 0.05% concentration, manganese sulfate available 0.10% ~ 0 20% concentration. 5. Deep-turning land shall be ploughed at intervals for each vegetable planting. If it is used as an intercropping method, deep plowing shall not be done with cattle plows, and digging and turning the land with a hoe shall be deepened to thicken the mature soil layer to enhance the ability of the soil to store water and retain fertilizer.
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