Olive Garden Technology

1. Olive is most suitable for planting on slopes. Because the slope has good drainage and ventilation performance, sunshine and heat conditions are also good, but the slope should generally not exceed 25 degrees; in areas where the soil is deep and fertile and leeward sunny, it can also be planted on slopes with a slope of 25 to 35 degrees, but The maximum slope cannot exceed 35 degrees, because too steep a slope will make it more difficult to manage late olives.

2. Olive is a strong light tree species, steep slope canyons should not be planted. In steep slopes and valleys, the number of sunshine hours is generally small, which is unfavorable to the growth and development of olive trees. If you need to plant, you must also choose the southern slope of Xiangyang, the southeast slope and the southwest slope as well.

3. Olives are afraid of eels and are afraid of wetness. It is forbidden to plant in low-lying areas on the lake. When it is really necessary to plant on the side of a lake (river), its surface level is higher than 15 meters above the lake (river). In order to grow olive trees on plain ground, it is also necessary to remember to take appropriate drainage and drainage facilities to ensure good drainage.

4. Olives should be carefully selected for planting olives, and must be improved after the texture is heavy and acidic. Planting soil should choose neutral, slightly alkaline sandy soil with deep, fertile, loose air, high calcium content, good drainage, and PH value between 7-8. The improved methods are Gaza, adding lime, applying farmhouse manure and planting grass.

5. Before the planting, the terraced fields shall be cultivated on the determined planting sites to prevent soil erosion. When building a terraced field, the raw soil is used to fill the craters, and the mature soil is fully covered and deep-rolled. The depth is generally 30 to 40 cm. After full soil preparation, the planting pit was excavated at a horizontal distance after slanting and leveling was changed. The plant spacing was 4 meters and the row spacing was 5 meters. The tree planting pit was dug into a circle, the pit was 1.2 meters deep, and the bottom was 1 meter in diameter. All the pits and bottoms were removed. The large stones, digging 33 per mu. The tree planting pit must be dug 1 meter from the edge of the fort and 1 meter from the fort. It is strictly forbidden to dig and plant trees under the fortress or fortress.

6. Excavate and fill in the essentials. After the pit is dug, the first step is to pad the surface of the pit with 30 cm of no-big-grained mature soil; 15-20 kilograms of grass (grasses, buckwheat grass, and wild weeds can be placed on the maturation soil); 30 kg of farmyard manure on the mat. Add 1 kg of phosphate fertilizer and mix evenly; in the upper part of the pit, add 1 kg of lime with surface fertilizer and 0.5 kg of phosphate fertilizer. Mix well and fill in the tree planting pit. Build a 30--40 cm above the ground into a circular socket, and then The watering of the pit is practical; a wooden stick is inserted in the center point of the tree planting pit as a mark, so as to find the position when planting the tree.

7. Site preparation, digging, and pit filling should be done well in the autumn and winter of the previous year, and it should be completed at least 15 days before the tree planting. It is strictly forbidden to plant trees with no ground, no digging, and pit filling.

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