At present, there is a lack of provenances in the bamboo rat, and it is not easy to transport the rats in the distance, and the price is not low. The key for farmers in impoverished mountainous areas to develop bamboo rat breeding is to solve the source of rodents. The southern mountainous region is rich in wild bamboo rats, capturing wild bamboo rats on the spot, or buying and domesticating wild bamboo rats in the local market, which is a shortcut to invest less and get rich quickly. The principle of domestication can be summarized in 8 words: simulated ecology, superior to ecology. That is, according to the living habits of bamboo rat in cave groves on the hillside, it is close to its original living conditions in rat nest pool construction and feeding management. Such as a string of cages and gregarious, a hole to make a nest hole production, feeding Miscanthus, bamboo branches, grass roots, sleeping during the day activities at night, a nest for a group. Ecological environment must be optimized to achieve rapid growth and high yields. Domestication points 1. Capture or purchase: When catching a wild rat, you can't beat and press with a wooden stick. You should use a sack or a plastic bag to wrap the rat in the iron cage to prevent injury. For purchase on the market, you should choose to use a rat that is not disabled or has teeth intact. In particular, check whether there are internal injuries or scars in the depths of the coat. When you catch a nest of caged home. At the time of listing, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the caged cages were bought in one cage and bought in two cages. The bamboo rodents that were bought in two places could not be caged and should be transported back to the domesticated cages. 2. Small group holdings: In order to prevent fights, the bamboo rat captured (or purchased) should be kept in a small group for a short period of time to allow the bamboo rat to adapt to the feeding environment. From the beginning of 2-3 days, the bamboo rat may not eat. This is a normal phenomenon; after that, the bamboo rat will slowly eat and move. 3. Inspecting and treating traumatic injuries: In the process of transporting the bamboo rat cage, it may still cause minor injuries. Treatment of injuries with iodine, sulfa crystalline powder, rifampicin or gentian violet and so on. Deeper wounds should be given some Yunnanbaiyao. 4, tame food: This is the key to the success of breeding Zhuzhu. Most wild bamboo rats prefer to eat bamboo roots, corn or sweet potatoes. First of all, we must understand its original living environment. When buying in the market, you must ask where the seller was caught. If you are caught on the slope of bamboo forest, when you tamed your food, you should seduce them with tender bamboo shoots and bamboo shoots. At the same time, put some miscanthus and corn stalks to gradually increase the food types. If it is caught in the moorland, it will be eaten with barmwood and corn stalks. After a successful temptation, single feeds can be gradually reduced, and the transition to diversified feeds can be achieved, and fine feeds can be added to enable the bamboo rats to obtain full-priced nutrition for quicker growth. When taming your food, be patient and sometimes you can't understand the source of the bamboo rat. You can use a variety of wild feeds to feed it. When taming, first feed the wild miscanthus, bamboo shoots, thatched grass roots, to test the cultivation of cane stems, grassy stalks, sweet potatoes, corn kernels and other grains, and then add compound feed. If you don’t eat wild food, you must not feed the feed prematurely. 5. Optimizing groups: There is generally no room for the selection of wild bamboo rats. After successful domestication, we must optimize the combination to increase the reproduction rate of bamboo rats and the weight of offspring. A large pool stocked with a group of bamboo rats, a total of 20. The 15 stud rats and 5 male rats were used as a group. The mother rats are kept in large pools, and the male rats are kept in the mother rats for 1-2 months (preferably the young rats are raised together, and they are separated when they are sexually mature), and then a single 1 pool sheet is separated. support. Each time, 1-2 male and female rats were grouped together, and 10 male mice were exchanged after 10 days. The maternal mating was reared during the second trimester of pregnancy. The pups were weaned and the dams were returned to the big pool group. This group can prevent close relatives from mating, conforming to the colony habits of the bamboo rat, and the large pool raising allows the bamboo rat to obtain sufficient exercise to obtain good and healthy offspring. China Agricultural Network Editor
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