Nature Com: Omega-3 prevents mental illness after a few years

Nature Com: Omega-3 prevents mental illness after a few years

August 17, 2015 Source: Bio Valley

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According to a study released on Tuesday, omega-3 fatty acids are found in oil-rich fish, which can prevent the onset of schizophrenia and other mental illnesses after long-term consumption.

According to the study, after seven years of consumption of omega-3 fatty acids, young people at the “ultra-high” risk are less likely to suffer from mental deterioration than the placebo group.

Schizophrenia is characterized by illusions and hallucinations, including listening to sounds and seeing things that do not exist. It usually appears suddenly or gradually in adolescence or early adulthood. There are no cure cases. Current treatments focus on managing the development of symptoms.

Scientists have long known that polyunsaturated fatty acids are reduced in people with schizophrenia, especially omega-3 fatty acids and intracellular omega-6 fatty acids.

Nearly a decade ago, clinical trials by researchers led by Paul Amminger of the University of Melbourne showed that intake of fatty acids delayed the first onset of psychotic disorders in high-risk subjects. In a follow-up study, Amminger's article in Nature Communications reported that after nearly seven years, only 10% of the omega-3 fatty acid group developed psychosis, compared with 40% of the placebo group.

“Over the entire follow-up period, omega-3 significantly reduced the risk of developing high-risk populations into mental disorders,” the study concluded. But the researchers did not recommend that all high-risk individuals consume fatty acids, but they can be used as supplements in many foods, including salmon, sardines and walnuts.

Scientists still don't understand the fact that omega-3 fatty acids may prevent the most basic mechanism of schizophrenia, including the origin of genetics and the environment.

The disease occurs in about 1% of the population, but about 10% have mild mental disorders. Fish oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and has no clinically relevant side effects, so it is certainly a good treatment option. Amminger said. "But the evidence that patients need to be told that fish oil is good for mental disorders is limited."

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