Different foods contain different nutrients that the body needs. If you learn to mix, your body will be healthier.
Apple + onion + tea. Dutch medical researchers believe that apples, onions, and tea are rich in flavonoids that protect the heart. After 5 years of observation by 805 65-84-year-old men, the flavonoids in the diet are mainly from apples, onions and tea. Men who insist on drinking more than 4 cups of tea per day have a 45% reduction in the risk of dying from heart disease and a 50% reduction in the number of people who eat one or more apples.
Vegetable + fruit + fish. Foreign experts have found that rational conditioning diet helps lower blood pressure. Research shows that vegetables, fish, and fruits are the best diets for controlling blood pressure. Vegetables contain a lot of cellulose, minerals such as potassium, calcium, and magnesium in fruits, as well as unsaturated fatty acids contained in fish, are conducive to increase the flexibility of the blood vessel wall, thereby reducing blood pressure; make it back to normal.
Liver + spinach. Pig liver is rich in folic acid, vitamin B12 and iron and other hematopoietic raw materials, spinach also contains more folic acid and iron, with two kinds of food, one after another. Complementing each other is a folk medicine prescription for the prevention and treatment of anaemia in the elderly.
Tofu + radish. Tofu is rich in vegetable protein; people with weak spleen and stomach can cause indigestion. Radish has a strong ability to assist digestion, and cook with it, will make the tofu's nutrition absorbed by the body.
Lamb + ginger. Both mutton and ginger are products of Xin Wen. Lamb can supplement blood and warming kidney yang. Ginger has analgesia and rheumatism. At the same time, ginger can not only smell, but also help the power of mutton and warm sun, the combination of the two, can cure low back pain, rheumatic pain and other limbs. It is worthy of a winter supplement.
Chicken + chestnuts. Chicken is a hypothetical product for hematopoietic therapy. Chestnuts are important to the spleen. Chestnut roast chicken tastes delicious, but it is because the two cook together, its nutritional composition is extremely high, hematopoietic function is stronger, especially the old hen's chestnut burning effect is better. (Text / Liu Tang)