The striped maggot, also known as the grotesque fish target, is native to the eastern coast of the United States and is a large carnivorous fish. At the end of the 19th century, it was introduced to the west coast as a target for sport fishing. Afterwards, the striped bark rapidly breeds in the river and enters into the tributaries, forming a fringed carp fishing industry. Later, as a result of overfishing, the culture of striped maggots has attracted attention in California and other places and artificial breeding of striped maggots has begun. In the United States, hybrids of striped plague and white plague were used to produce the first generation of hybrid striped maggots. Compared with their parents, the United States has the advantages of large individuals, fast growth, and strong resistance to disease. Therefore, hybrid striped maggots are the main culture objects. In freshwater aquaculture species, the hybrid stripe ranks second in the back of the catfish.
In the early 1990s, Taiwan began to introduce hybrid striped ticks. The mainland introduced breeding in Guangdong in 1993. The trial shows that the hybrid striped cricket has the advantages of good body shape and body color, good meat quality, special flavor and high commodity price compared with China's existing bred bred species. It is a very promising breeding industry, and other provinces and cities. Also have introduced trials.
1, morphological characteristics. Stripe corpus callosum flat, spindle-shaped. Scales are silvery white, larger than other squid. The entire body color is grayish except for a small part of the back, silvery white on the body side and abdomen, and black stripes arranged vertically on the sides. The purebred stripe has a larger body size, and its body length and body height are relatively large, and its stripes are straight and neat, with no interruption in the middle.
White storks have shorter body types and individuals are smaller than striped ones. The back of the body is grayish blue and white on the abdomen. The stripes are less clear and regular than the stripes. The stripes under the side lines are short and small, and the scales are relatively smaller than the stripes. The hybrid striped carcass type is located between the striped bark and the white pelican. The body type is higher, the stripes are more disordered, and there are often intermittent phenomena.
2, living habits. Striped cockroaches are temperate fish, and the survival temperature range is 4°C-33°C. When the water temperature is higher than 30°C, the food intake is reduced, the growth is inhibited, and the disease is easily infected. The water temperature higher than 33°C can cause death. When the water temperature is lower than 15°C, the food intake also decreases and the growth slows down; the suitable pH value range is 6-9. The streaked plover is an upstream egg-laying fish and its adaptation to salinity is very wide, ranging from 0-33 ‰. Compared with other carp species, streak warts have a stronger stress response, especially in low dissolved oxygen environments, or from clearer water bodies to more turbid water bodies, or from high alkalinity waters to low alkalis. When it is in water, it can easily cause severe stress and die. Therefore, it is required that the water in the culture pond should be fresh and the dissolved oxygen should reach 4cg/L or more. Before the fish can be transported or passed through the pond, it is necessary to stop the food and carry out a net exercise to make it adaptable to changes in the environment.
3, diet. Striped cockroaches belong to carnivorous fish. In natural water bodies, they mainly feed small fish and small shrimps. The killing of seed meat is the main factor affecting the population. The feed for larvae is mainly rotifers. When the fish grows to 0.8cm (about 15 days of age), they can ingest small branches. After they grow to 2cm, they can kill each other. In captivity, striped quail can feed on compound feed.
4, grow. The growth rate of striped maggots is faster. The fry breeding in Guangdong in March can grow to 500 grams by the end of the year. By the end of the second year, it can grow to 1500 grams. The fish species in the White Pelicans can grow up to 500 grams by the end of the year, but they grow slowly in the second year and can only grow to 900-1000 grams. The hybrid stripe larvae grow faster than the purebred stripe pupa. Under pond conditions, the fish can reach 800 grams in winter, 2,000 grams in winter fish, and 3000 grams in winter. In natural conditions, the largest individuals of streaky stings can reach more than 10 kilograms, and the white stork has a smaller body size, only 2-3 kilograms.
5, breeding. The striped quail is an upstream fish that produces eggs. In the country of origin, the age of sexual maturity is III. The time of spawning is from April to June each year, and May is the peak period. White peony II reaches sexual maturity in the winter. In Guangdong area, the sexual maturity age of striped plover and white plover is II. The spawning season lasts from late February to late March. It belongs to a single spawning type and has a large amount of fecundity and fecundity. The body weight is 1.5 kg. The striped brood broodstock can lay more than 200,000 eggs; 2.5 kg can lay 500,000 eggs, the egg diameter is only 0.6mm, and has strong stickiness after encountering water. It also has oil globules. The embryonic development speed is similar to that of striped crickets. The filmed larvae are only 2mm in length.
In the early 1990s, Taiwan began to introduce hybrid striped ticks. The mainland introduced breeding in Guangdong in 1993. The trial shows that the hybrid striped cricket has the advantages of good body shape and body color, good meat quality, special flavor and high commodity price compared with China's existing bred bred species. It is a very promising breeding industry, and other provinces and cities. Also have introduced trials.
1, morphological characteristics. Stripe corpus callosum flat, spindle-shaped. Scales are silvery white, larger than other squid. The entire body color is grayish except for a small part of the back, silvery white on the body side and abdomen, and black stripes arranged vertically on the sides. The purebred stripe has a larger body size, and its body length and body height are relatively large, and its stripes are straight and neat, with no interruption in the middle.
White storks have shorter body types and individuals are smaller than striped ones. The back of the body is grayish blue and white on the abdomen. The stripes are less clear and regular than the stripes. The stripes under the side lines are short and small, and the scales are relatively smaller than the stripes. The hybrid striped carcass type is located between the striped bark and the white pelican. The body type is higher, the stripes are more disordered, and there are often intermittent phenomena.
2, living habits. Striped cockroaches are temperate fish, and the survival temperature range is 4°C-33°C. When the water temperature is higher than 30°C, the food intake is reduced, the growth is inhibited, and the disease is easily infected. The water temperature higher than 33°C can cause death. When the water temperature is lower than 15°C, the food intake also decreases and the growth slows down; the suitable pH value range is 6-9. The streaked plover is an upstream egg-laying fish and its adaptation to salinity is very wide, ranging from 0-33 ‰. Compared with other carp species, streak warts have a stronger stress response, especially in low dissolved oxygen environments, or from clearer water bodies to more turbid water bodies, or from high alkalinity waters to low alkalis. When it is in water, it can easily cause severe stress and die. Therefore, it is required that the water in the culture pond should be fresh and the dissolved oxygen should reach 4cg/L or more. Before the fish can be transported or passed through the pond, it is necessary to stop the food and carry out a net exercise to make it adaptable to changes in the environment.
3, diet. Striped cockroaches belong to carnivorous fish. In natural water bodies, they mainly feed small fish and small shrimps. The killing of seed meat is the main factor affecting the population. The feed for larvae is mainly rotifers. When the fish grows to 0.8cm (about 15 days of age), they can ingest small branches. After they grow to 2cm, they can kill each other. In captivity, striped quail can feed on compound feed.
4, grow. The growth rate of striped maggots is faster. The fry breeding in Guangdong in March can grow to 500 grams by the end of the year. By the end of the second year, it can grow to 1500 grams. The fish species in the White Pelicans can grow up to 500 grams by the end of the year, but they grow slowly in the second year and can only grow to 900-1000 grams. The hybrid stripe larvae grow faster than the purebred stripe pupa. Under pond conditions, the fish can reach 800 grams in winter, 2,000 grams in winter fish, and 3000 grams in winter. In natural conditions, the largest individuals of streaky stings can reach more than 10 kilograms, and the white stork has a smaller body size, only 2-3 kilograms.
5, breeding. The striped quail is an upstream fish that produces eggs. In the country of origin, the age of sexual maturity is III. The time of spawning is from April to June each year, and May is the peak period. White peony II reaches sexual maturity in the winter. In Guangdong area, the sexual maturity age of striped plover and white plover is II. The spawning season lasts from late February to late March. It belongs to a single spawning type and has a large amount of fecundity and fecundity. The body weight is 1.5 kg. The striped brood broodstock can lay more than 200,000 eggs; 2.5 kg can lay 500,000 eggs, the egg diameter is only 0.6mm, and has strong stickiness after encountering water. It also has oil globules. The embryonic development speed is similar to that of striped crickets. The filmed larvae are only 2mm in length.
Shenzhen Piofond Technology Co., Ltd. ,