How to safely store feed in summer

Summer rain, high temperatures, high air relative humidity, plus fungi, bacteria and other microorganisms, feed and its raw materials are prone to oxidation, agglomeration and mildew in the storage process, resulting in loss of nutrients, resulting in unnecessary waste.

1.. Choose the storage location correctly and be prepared. The feed storage warehouse must choose a place with high ground, dry, cool, well-ventilated, and convenient drainage. Wipe the walls and floors with concrete to prevent leakage, prevent rodents and prevent the ground from flooding. After the storage warehouse is cleaned, close the doors and windows for fumigation and disinfection. The packaging for the feed should be disinfected with high-temperature steam. The feed tanks and drums are sterilized with a 1:3000 poison solution, and the feed cannot be in direct contact with the floor walls during storage.

2.. Control the moisture content of feed and raw materials. The level of moisture content of feed and raw materials is directly related to the storage effect of feed, high moisture, feed easily heated oxidation, cake mildew. According to tests, the moisture content of feedstuffs above 15% is most likely to be mildewed, and with the increase of moisture content, the mildew rate of feedstuffs is also correspondingly accelerated. Therefore, the moisture content of feedstuff should be strictly controlled within the safe range during storage.

3.. Control the temperature and humidity, strengthen ventilation. Low temperature, low humidity and good ventilation conditions are conducive to the storage of feed and can prevent feed oxidation and mildew. Generally, the relative humidity in the feed storage room is lower than 60%, and good ventilation and ventilation are maintained to reduce the temperature in the storage room as much as possible. Conditional thermometers and hygrometers can be installed to facilitate timely inspection. On the contrary, high temperature and high humidity are not conducive to the storage of feed. According to the test, when the temperature is below 10°C, the growth of molds will be slow, the temperature will be above 30°C, and if the humidity is appropriate, the mold will multiply rapidly and the amount of mold in the feed will increase. Causes mildew and deterioration of the feed.

4.. Feed storage and safe storage period. When the feed is stored for a long time, it should be checked regularly, and it should be turned upside down and ventilated in a timely manner. It should be found that the feed or raw materials are spread out in time to dissipate heat. The moisture or heat-producing feed should be used immediately or separately to prevent the rest of the feed from becoming agglomerated and mildewed. When used, it should follow the principle of first-come-first-after-new, and it should not be mixed with fresh feed. In addition, due to the high temperature and high humidity in the summer, this special reason, one-time purchase of ingredients, ingredients should not be too much, feed or raw materials should not be stored too long, bulk materials to be used in about 3 days is appropriate, bags of material is best not to exceed 7 days, should be used within 10-12 days at the latest.

5.. Timely rodent killing insects. Rats and worms not only consume feed, causing extra waste, but their activities also consume oxygen, produce carbon dioxide and water, release heat, cause local temperature of the feed to rise, increase humidity, and cause feed agglomeration and mildew. Rats can also burrow holes in walls and roofs and smuggle feeds away from the outside. What's more, rain will pour into the storage room from the rat hole when it rains, causing more feed to get damp and mildew. Therefore, rodenticides and rodents should be used to eradicate rats. Found that the feed worms should immediately pick up the insect feed, use safe and efficient insecticides to kill insects, the rest of the feed to add pest control drugs to prevent insect recurrence.

6.. Apply a high efficiency feed mold inhibitor. Although the feed or raw material is dried, it always contains a certain amount of mold. Once the conditions are right, they will rapidly grow and multiply, resulting in moldy feed. Therefore, mold control is the focus of summer feed storage.

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