Wheelchair something more than just a means of transport, it is the second legs of persons with disabilities and the elderly. In addition to travel, the elderly can also be a long exercise in a wheelchair, to participate in social diplomacy. The wheelchair then how to protect it? First, if you use a wheelchair in the snow hours after the rain should be real-time dry, absolutely do not get the sun, prolonged sun exposure. If large dust, you should always use a soft, dry cloth to wipe carefully, if there can also be coated with anti-rust wax premise that wheelchair durable adhere to light and beautiful. Second, the use of an electric wheelchair may use a month ago, should regularly reflect on whether the bolts loose, and stepping up solid. The best returned to the factory overhaul once every three months. Make sure all components are located in a wheelchair all types of introspection consolidate real-time tighten the nut. In order to ensure safe use. Third, the link wheelchair seat frame articulation screw and electric nursing bed of divergent samples, which are all loose coupling, so non-tighten. Fourth, users often reflect the sensitivity of the various parts of the wheelchair shift mechanism, and smooth coating agent. If you reinstall, you should make sure to tighten the nut, will not become loose. Bust disability or inconvenient for the elderly in terms of behavior, a wheelchair is their second legs. Many people will use a wheelchair after buying just wheelchair not go wrong, not mortal reflection and protection, in fact, this is very wrong and error method, but also very as any. When thinking about the most important element of choice is wheelchair wheelchair dimensions. The primary site of wheelchairs to accept the weight of the hips around the ischial tuberosity, surrounded by the femur, scapula Elaine nest around and around. Wheelchair dimensions, especially the seat width, depth and height of the backrest and footrest to the seat spacing can fit, Rhyme rider concerned to contribute to the site so that blood circulation is affected, and the onset of skin abrasion, even pressure sores. Also, the patient's safety Reflection, operational skills, the weight of the wheelchair, use the address, appearance and other issues.