Corn machinery seeding strives to preserve seedlings

There are many ways to sow corn, but the most commonly used are sowing (on demand), precision sowing, no tillage sowing and so on. The seed sowing is to sow the seed in the soil according to the specified spacing, spacing, and sowing depth, and sowing 2 to 3 seeds per hole to ensure that the seedlings are evenly distributed in the field. Precision seeding refers to the use of precision seeding machines to accurately seed sows, spacing, and ration into soil to ensure equal seed count per hole. Among them, single-seeded precision seeding is “one hole and one grain”, sowing density is the planned planting density, and the seed quality requirements are high (the germination rate should be higher than 96%). Because no seedlings are used, the cost-saving effect is significant and it is corn planting. The direction of technology development. No-tillage sowing is after the harvest of the previous crop, without plowing or rarely tilling the land. The original stalks and wreckage are covered on the ground, and a special no-tillage sowing machine is used to sow directly on the alfalfa. No-tillage sowing can reduce soil cultivation times and energy consumption, reduce soil compaction and damage, reduce wind erosion, water erosion, can keep the bottom boring, and reduce production costs. To effectively eliminate weeds and pests, herbicides and pesticides must be sprayed before and after sowing.

Seeding seedlings at a time is a prerequisite for achieving high yields and stable production of corn. When sowing corn, the agronomic requirements such as seeding amount, seed distribution in the field, seeding depth, and coverage after compaction should be taken into consideration. The pilot planting should be conducted first, and field sowing should be performed after the requirements are met to ensure the quality of sowing.

In the northern spring maize area, there are two types of planting modes: equal row spacing and wide and narrow rows. Equal spacing planting: row spacing is equal, usually 50 to 70 cm, and the plant spacing varies with density. Its characteristic is that the plants are evenly distributed in the field, which is convenient for mechanized operation. It is the dominant method for the northern spring corn zone. Wide and narrow rows of planting: also known as ridges and ridges, with a wide and narrow row spacing, characterized by uneven distribution of plants in the field and early loss of light leakage, but can regulate the contradiction between individuals and groups in the later corn period. Suitable for cultivation under high density and high fertilizer conditions and mulching. At present, wide-spaced 60 to 80 centimeters are used, and narrow-row spacing is 30 to 40 centimeters. Corn machinery seeding strives to preserve seedlings

Indacaterol Intermediate

Indacaterol Intermediate,Indacaterol Api,Indacaterol Arcapta,Indacaterol Cas 312753-06-3

Shandong Bolode Bio-technology Co., Ltd. ,

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