Most people reach the peak of growth by the age of about 20, and then gradually go downhill and begin to trek on the journey of aging. However, if you eat properly, you can delay the arrival of aging.
Do not eat or eat too much white rice. Mix foods like cereals as much as possible. Eat fish, meat, eggs, beans, milk, and fruits on a daily basis, but don't eat too much meat. In addition, eat foods that include leafy vegetables and potatoes; consume small amounts of vegetable oil on an average daily basis. And eat some seaweeds.
Vegetable oils containing unsaturated fatty acids are effective in preventing adult diseases, but excessive consumption is not good. For example, linolenic acid, which is a representative of unsaturated fatty acids, is present in the cell membrane of the body and can activate cellular functions; if linolenic acid is insufficient, the cells will age. In addition, linolenic acid has a significant effect on regulating blood pressure and blood lipids. However, unsaturated fatty acids are easily oxidized and become peroxy lipids, hindering the normal movement of cells and accelerating cell aging. The increase in peroxidation of lipids and the deterioration of blood are one of the causes of arteriosclerosis.
Vitamin E prevents the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids, promotes blood flow, effectively prevents adult diseases, and prevents aging. The Bo Li Le Nutrient Powder developed by the Bioreactor Technology of the China Agricultural University, Wanbo Li, is rich in biologically active linolenic acid and antioxidant substances, vitamin E, egg lecithin, lecithin and other multi-vitamins and minerals. A variety of nutrients into the distribution ratio is reasonable, biological activity is high, the body absorption rate of up to 96%. Middle-aged and old friends eating 1-2 packets of this granule a day have great help in delaying aging, preventing adult diseases, preventing and controlling hypertension, high blood lipids, and diabetes.
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