In daily life, some people like to cool cooked eggs and cool them in cold water. They think that it is easy to peel shells. This is actually unscientific. This is because there is a protective film in the shell of the egg. When the egg is cooked, the film is broken. When the cooked egg is put into cold water, the egg shrinks violently and a vacuum gap forms between the eggshell and the eggshell. Bacteria in the water, the virus is easily absorbed into the gap in the egg by negative pressure.
In addition, when the eggs are put into cold water, the temperature drops abruptly, the pressure in the air chamber drops, and the bacteria in the cold water enters the eggs through the air holes. American scientists have done such experiments (only 10 botulinum spores per milliliter of water), and as a result all proteins produce terrible botulinum toxins. Botulinum toxin is a highly toxic neurotropic virus that is harmful to human health.
It can be seen that cooked eggs should not be cooled with cold water, and a small amount of salt can be added to boiled eggs, so that cooked eggshells can be easily peeled off. Or soak the egg in cold water and put it in hot water. The eggshell will not break and it will peel off easily.
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