Better: Connect patients and Mayo Clinic to see a doctor without leaving home

Release date: 2014-04-21

California Digital Healthcare startup Better (Wednesday) added its eponymous medical app Better on the Apple App Store on Wednesday.
Better works with the Mayo Clinic to provide users with personal health assistants, nurse hotlines, automated symptom checks, personalized health information and electronic medical records.
If necessary, the patient can interact directly with the doctor, who can prescribe a specific type of prescription for the patient over the phone. The monthly service fee for the service is $49. Better offers a free service, but does not have the ability to interact with a doctor.
For the launch of the mobile app, company co-founder Geoffrey Clapp said: "Current health care services are limited to fixed locations, and there is still a lack of mobility. We are going to solve this problem by Technology provides immediate service to patients."
The company has raised $5 million, and the main investors are venture capital firm Social+Capital Partnership and Mayo Clinic.
Paul Limburg, medical director of the Global Business Solutions division at Mayo Clinic, said: "We work with Better and invest in Better to create a powerful channel for people to work with Mayo at home or in the community. The clinic got in touch."
In addition to Better, Doctor on Demand also launched a $40 video consulting service last year that allows users to make video calls with doctors via Android or iOS smartphones.
American Well launched a similar online service in 2009, and launched a mobile app last fall that allowed patients to video with doctors for a monthly fee of $49.
Even social networking Facebook has begun to smash the market. Company CEO Mark Zuckerberg said recently that the acquisition of virtual reality device maker Oculus will allow patients to face-to-face with doctors. Obviously, this is not true face to face.
There are other applications and services designed to provide healthcare information or make it easier for patients to connect with doctors such as WebMD, AskMD, HealthTap, ZocDoc and Grand Rounds.

Source: Entropy

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