Autumn peppers are particularly vulnerable to fungal, bacterial, and viral infections that cause root rot, blight, keratoses, anthracnose, and viral diseases, resulting in dead rot, sprouts, deciduous twigs, and bunches of leaves. , affecting the output, even when serious. Therefore, the autumn pepper must pay attention to kill the virus to prevent the disease.
Specific approach: Before seedling transplant, foliar spray 800 times a different (1.4% octamine acetate), 600 times plant virus vaccine (0.5% mushroom proteoglycan) mixture, and apply a root 800 times An aqueous solution of Bacillus subtilis kills various pathogens that are adsorbed on stems and leaves and lurking in the soil, and inactivates viral activity. After the survival of the seedlings, a 1500-fold water solution of the active bacteriostatic active bacteria was instilled into the roots every 10 to 15 days. The lyophilized water was applied for 3 to 4 times, and 0.5 to 1 kg per plant was soaked. The seedlings were soaked evenly in the pepper seedlings. In the soil around the roots. At the same time, spray 500 times of 5% Ningnanmycin aqueous solution, or 800 times 50% aqueous solution of chlorobromoisocyanuric acid, or 800 times of different (1.4% octamine acetate) aqueous solution every 7-10 days. , Continuous spraying 5 to 6 times, evenly wet all stems and leaves, in order to start dropping drops is appropriate. Killing the fungus, bacteria, and virus-inhibitory activity in the extinction-infected pepper plant will ensure that the autumn-planted pepper does not infect a variety of diseases.
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