Symptoms The disease mainly damages the fruit, with the incidence of young fruit near the ground. At the early stage of fruit development, water-stained round freckles appear on the outer surface of eggplant fruit, and then spread rapidly and spread to all fruits. The Department of Solanaceae is yellowish-brown or dark brown, and when the humidity is high, the disease minister is full of flourishing layer of white flocculosis, and the internal flesh is browned and eroded. The fruit was later shed and quickly rancid on the wet ground. There are also left hanging on the branches, after smashing, the water shrinks and shrinks into dark brown and brown fruit. Sometimes the leaves and shoots can also be affected. The damaged leaves can produce near-circular or irregular rectangular water-stained hazel-like lesions, sometimes with obvious ring veins. When wet, white molds are scattered on the lesions. The stems were infected, and they were initially water-stained and dark green or purple-brown afterwards. The diseased part was collapsed and the upper leaves were wilt.
Occurrence of disease Occurrence of eggplant Mushroom disease is closely related to temperature and humidity. When the temperature is 28°C to 30°C and the relative humidity is 85% or more, it is easy to develop. The open field cultivation in the rainy season of July and August is the epidemic period. When the rainy season comes early, rainfall is heavy and the weather is hot, the onset is early and heavy. Low-lying terrain, poor drainage, heavy mud, heavy nitrogenous fertilizers, and severe disease, poor field ventilation and light transmission, are more likely to cause the disease.
Prevention and control methods Eggplant M. elegans disease prevention and control should be based on agricultural control, specifically from the following:
1. Select resistant varieties, pay attention to crop rotation.
2. Cultivate seedlings and seedlings. Select a high-lying area and head south toward the north where water does not accumulate. Dirt should be disinfected three weeks before sowing.
3. Take sorghum and stick to film cultivation. Land preparation must be leveled to avoid accumulation of water. Apply base fertilizer and increase phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. Carry out wide and narrow row planting, timely cultivating, pruning, playing old leaves, improve ventilation and light transmission conditions, and timely harvest. Found that the disease was immediately removed and buried.
4. Strengthen field inspections. The diseased fruit and diseased leaves were immediately treated with medication. Can be sprayed with 72.2% Preclosure 800 times, or 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 500 times, or 58% metalaxyl MnZn wettable powder 500 times, or 65% zeara zinc wettable powder 500 times liquid.
Fresh Single Packed Sweet Corn
Jilin Province Agricultural Sister-in-law Food Co., Ltd. was established in 2012 and has been in the export business since 2012. We mainly export to 16 countries all over the world.
About our main product - Corn
Corn is a kind of food that is often encountered in daily life, and it is also a kind of food to supplement the diet. Its edible benefits are as follows:
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If you have any questions, please contact us directly. If you have any questions, please email us directly.
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Jilin Province Argricultural Sister-in-law Food Co., Ltd. ,